Political Administration
The District is administered at two different but complementary levels, namely, the traditional and political levels. The traditional level of administration is through an intricate network of local governance system that deals with purely traditional affairs concerning customs and stool land administration. The political administration of the district is through the local government system that derives its authority from the 1992 Constitution of Ghana and the Local Government Act of 1993 (Act 462).
The District Assembly is the highest Political, Administrative and Planning Authority charged with the responsibility of facilitating the implementation of government policies and programmes for the development of the District and ensuring good governance.
Political Structure
The District Assembly is made up of the District Chief Executive who is the political head and 30 District Assembly members (21 are elected and 9 appointed by the President in consultation with chiefs and interest groups in the District) and a Member of Parliament elected from the constituency.
Sub-Administrative Structures
In order to deepen the decentralization process and make sure that the sub-structures function effectively and efficiently at the grassroots, the Assembly has been demarcated into four area councils which are Bosomtwe East Area Council, Nsuta Area Council, Bosome Area Council and Sunso Freho Area Council. The Assembly has 21 Electoral Areas and is itself under one constituency.
Date Created : 11/25/2017 3:46:54 AM