The community needs and aspiration as gathered from the socio-economic survey conducted by the Planning and Co-ordinating Unit included the following:

  • Provision of potable water
  • Improvement of the road net work both in the peri urban and rural areas
  • Provision of health facilities
  • Improved health delivery and services
  • Access of credit facilities to improve businesses
  • Electricity supply
  • Proper waste management especially in the urban areas
  • Provision of educational facilities
  • Provision of sanitation facilities
  • Provision of market infrastructure
  • Farming tools and implements including machinery like tractors
  • Provision of irrigation facilities
  • Creation of employment opportunities
  • rehabilitation of dilapidated rural houses
  • Preservation of cultivable land in the rural areas
  • Creation of modern lorry parks
  • Acceleration on the implementation of NHIS
  • Promotion of door to door collection of waste in the urban areas
    Effective development control

Date Created : 11/20/2017 7:25:04 AM