
The District is endowed with a huge potential for Tourism development.  There are numerous tourist attractions that, if properly developed and packaged, could attract a lot of tourists to the District.  These include Historical sites like, the first President’s (Dr.  Kwame Nkrumah) birth place and original burial tomb at Nkroful, 70kms of sandy Beaches that boarder the south of the District, the  navigable Ankobra River that links the northern and southern parts of the District through river transport, the Wetlands and the famous Kundum Festival celebrated by all the Chiefs and people of the District.  The presence of developed beaches like Ankobra Beach Resort serves as tourist destination which helps boost economic activities.

The Assembly must be supported to identify and facilitate the development of these potentials through Public Private Partnerships (PPP). This would create employment and enhance revenue generation in the District. It will also open up the district to investment in the hospitality industry leading to the creation of various employment opportunities.

The recent emergence of the Oil and Gas in the Western coast of Ghana and the Operation of mining companies such as the Adamus Resource Limited has great potentials for the development of hospitality facilities (hotels) and beach resorts in the coastal belt communities especially in Esiama, Asanda and Bobrama. This will greatly give a boost to economic activities. The strengthening of security is also fundamental since the development of the hospitality industry will come with its ramifications such as crimes in the form of theft and arm robbery.

Religion and Ethnicity

In terms of Religion, Christians constitute about 79 % of the population with Moslems having 8%, Traditionalists3.0 % and others 10%.  The predominant Ethnic grouping is Akan 89%, Ga Adangbe 3%, Ewe 4% and Mole-Dagbani 4%.  The District is dominated by two main local groups within the following corresponding dominant Areas.


The District has one Paramountcy, The Eastern Nzema Traditional Council, situated at Atuabo

All the Traditional Councils, in the three (3) Districts of Nzema East, Ellembelle, Jomoro, constitute the Nzema Manle Council (District House of Chiefs).

Culture and Festivals

One significant feature in the District is the traditional festival of Kundum which is celebrated in all the communities of the District between August and October each year.

The major language spoken all over the District is Nzema with other dialects like Evalue and Gwira, Fanti and Twi also widely spoken

Date Created : 11/20/2017 3:20:08 AM