The industrial Sector is made up of Manufacturing, mining and construction. As indicated already industry employs 18.6% of the working populace. They can be grouped into the following broad areas.

 Mining and Quarry sub sector of the industrial sector include small and large scale mining, stone quarry and stone milling. The Municipality’s gold deposits have made it one of the notable gold mining areas in the region. Large scale gold mining is done by one company with its main mining site at Konongo with another site at the Obenimase area. Apart from the company, there are a number of small scale miners in the municipality. The Dwease – Praaso area rich in extensive granite has potential for large scale quarrying.

The manufacturing subsector include:

Agro-based industries comprising of cassava processing (Gari making), oil and palm kernel extraction, akpeteshie distilling, etc. The Municipality has competitive advantage in adding value to oil palm extraction relating to soap making, industrial butter production and domestic consumption. Inadequate access to capital has compelled producers to produce at on a small scale.

Wood based industries are those industries that process wood into other materials such as furniture, woodcarving, etc. They include carpenters; saw millers, wood carvers; etc. The challenge confronting this sector is the limited availability of wood in the local market for their activities

Metals based include gold smiths, black smiths, metal fabricators etc.

Textile industries include dressmakers, tailors and Traditional cloth dying tie and dye making etc.

Construction include block moulding and all others in the building industry.


This sector is the largest employer in the municipality. Trade and commerce in the municipality is very brisk. This owes much to its nodal location. The municipal capital serves as the commercial hub of the municipality. There are a number of markets in the municipality. These markets provide avenues for transactions in the buying and selling of both agricultural and industrial goods. They also contribute significantly to the Assembly’s Internally Generated Fund (IGF). The largest market in the municipality is the Konongo Market. Though there are daily markets, the main market days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Other daily markets are in Odumasi, Patriensa, Dwease and Praaso.










Date Created : 11/20/2017 3:01:59 AM