Disability has generally been slurred in the Municipality, especially in the rural settings. Children with disability are usually not offered the same opportunity for development resulting in parents ostracizing them from the eyes of the public. Persons with Disability (PWDs) would not usually be allowed to participate in some social activities. The key areas of disability discussed in this chapter are distribution of population with disability, types of disability, disability and activity, and disability type by literacy and education.
Population with Disability
Types of Disability
Table 6.1 further shows that Sight (35.0%) and Physical (29.1%) challenge are the most common types of disability in Adentan Municipality, constituting 64.1 percent. Sight and physical disability is common among the male and female population irrespective of locality of residence. The least reported type is hearing disability constituting 9.1 percent. Disability of sight is the most reported (38.5%) among the female population while physical challenge was the highest (32.0%) among the male population. On the whole, the proportion with disability is higher in the urban areas (1.3%) of the Municipality than in the rural population (1.1%).
Disability and Activity
Table 6.2 shows that, more than half (51.0%) of PWDs 15 years and older are employed and 4.7 percent are unemployed in the Municipality. The economically not active PWDs constitute 44.3 percent. Persons with Emotional difficulty (59.6%) and Sight disability (54.6%) have the highest proportions of the employed persons. On the other hand, those with Physical (66.5%) and Speech (51.6%) challenges have the highest proportions of the economically not active PWDs
Males with disability (56.0%) are more likely than their female counterparts (46.2%) to be employed. On the other hand, females with disability are more likely than their male counterparts to be unemployed and economically not active (Table 6.2).
Disability and Level of Education
Educational status is generally low in the population with disability. Table 6.3 indicates the population three years and older with disability. Those who have never attended school constitute 22.2 percent, those with basic education constitute 43.4 percent and those with higher education constitute 31.5 percent. Again, Table 6.3 reveals that, relatively high proportion (43.5%) of persons with intellectual challenge had never attended school, followed by those with hearing (23.5%) and speech (21.0%) disabilities. Furthermore, 39.9 percent of persons with sight disability had secondary or higher education.
Date Created : 11/17/2017 6:19:09 AM