
Industry is defined as the type of activity carried out by the enterprise where a person is working or the type of product produced or services rendered at the respondent’s workplace. Information was collected only on the main product produced or service rendered in the establishment during the reference period. Agriculture, forestry and fishing, remains the largest industry, employing 74.5 percent of the economically active population aged 15 years and older in the district. The next major industrial activities are wholesale and retail trade (8.5%) and manufacturing (4.7%).

Employment Status

The distribution of the workforce by employment status is often used as an indicator of progress in the modernization of employment and the economy. It also measures the relative capacity of the various sectors of the economy to create jobs.

The employed status of the population by sex

Data on employment status indicates that majority (56.8%) of the economically active population are self-employed. Employees constitute 15.2 percent while contributing family workers make up 18.5 percent. Apprentices form only 1.6 percent of the economically active population. Relatively large proportion of males (22.5%) compared to females (7.3%) are employees. Also, females are slightly more likely to be self-employed (58.2%) than males (55.5%). In addition, more females (25.8%) than males (11.8%) are engaged as contributing family workers.

Employment Sector

The data shows that 94 percent of the employed population work in the private informal sector whilst only four percent are public sector workers. About 96.5 percent of the female employed population is in the private informal sector compared to 91 percent of the male working population. The public sector also employs more males (5.5%) than females (2.5%). More males are also employed in the private formal sector females.



Date Created : 11/14/2017 3:26:55 AM