Ahafo Region hands over DRIP equipment to enhance road infrastructure

The government's flagship program to improve roads across the length and breathe of the country has been relaunched at the Regional level after the equipment arrived in the Region.

Date Created : 8/28/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Obed Asante Amoah/

The government has also established a call center to receive all complaints and challenges from all the districts in the country.

Mr. Evans Bobie (MP for Asunafo North), stated that the Government is committed to delivering on its mandate and promise. He added that, maintenance culture is what the respective Districts should have in mind.

The Regional Minister, Hon. George Boakye indicated that, all MDCE's and government is committed to solving road challenges in the country. He added that, if decentralization is what we are practicing, then road issues should also be dealt with at the District level.

Motorable roads in the region and respective districts would call for a reduction in food prices and also make the fire tender accessible to fire and emergency situations, He noted.

Mr. George Boakye again made it known that there is also a maintenance team to ensure regular maintenance of the Machines in the Districts.

These equipment will also create employment for people who will be using the machines within the Region.

Also, the DRIP program paved the way for the appointment of a coordinator in the person of Agyei Yeboah (former Tano South MP) who will steer the affairs of the program in the various Districts.

The coordinator in his acceptance speech entreated all machine operators to take proper care of the machines but anything that will undermine the progress of the program will not be entertained He noted.

Yaw Owusu Boahen, the MCE for Asunafo North Municipal thanked the government on behalf of all MDCE'S. He also added that timely servicing should be taken seriously to avoid damaging the equipment.

The program brought together the Ahafo Regional Minister, Regional, Municipal and District Coordinating Directors, Traditional councils and Chiefs across the Region, Some members of Parliament, Various Heads of Department, Staff of the various MDA's, Ladies and gentlemen.