GUNA celebrates Science Day with Odorgono SHS

The headmistress of the Odorgonno Senior High School in Accra, Dr. Mrs. Shine Ofori has appealed for the establishment of a functional science laboratory for the school to enhance the study of science.

Date Created : 11/10/2017 7:20:23 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori

The school’s science laboratory according to the headmistress is old and developed cracks, hence it’s been abandoned; now the school uses classrooms for its science practical lessons, moving science equipment every now and then.

Dr. Ofori made the appeal when the Ghana United Nations Association (GUNA) chose the school to observe the UN International World Science Day for Peace.

  Dr. Mrs. Shine Ofori- Headmistress

She said inadequate equipment and materials also inhibit practical lessons with only third years receiving attention which is not very good for the development of the study of science.

The headmistress also raised major safety concerns about a gas feeling station sited close to the school just about 30 meters away.

Her worry sterns from recent experiences with gas explosions in the country and the casualties recorded even in areas that are not too populated. And considering the high number of students, teachers and other non-teaching staff, in the unlikely event anything goes wrong and there is an explosion, the story would be bad.

She expressed dismay at the decision of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to renew the permit of the station to operate for another three years at the time they were calling for the relocation of the filling station.

She revealed that the school has lost an opportunity to be assisted with the construction of a new science laboratory from a corporate entity due to the proximity of the filling station to the school, and yet there is no end in sight for their struggle.

The Secretary General of GUNA, Mr. Chris Pardie addressing the gathering said Odorgonno SHS was chosen to mark the day because of the successes chalked in the field of science having come first in the National Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition organized by the forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), and placing fourth out of 25 schools at the African level.

The Secretary General of GUNA, Mr. Chris Pardie

Programmes Director – GUNA, Bishop Nat Rudolph also proposed a new Innovative Science (InoScience) Challenge to replace the National Science and Maths quiz program for 2nd cycle institutions. This, he noted will aim at tasking the students to develop solutions to teething national problems such as waste management, flooding, child delinquencies et al. we strongly believe that this new program if adopted and funded by government and corporate organizations will develop and unleash the scientific prowess of our students to be more useful to society and themselves.

He further called on the government to incorporate science and technology in their development agenda if we ever want to rub shoulders with other developed countries. Thus, government and corporate bodies must set aside funds to develop and commercialize the innovations exhibited in order to bring about development and prosperity to mother Ghana.

Dr. Gabriel Nii Laryea, Research Scientist at CSIR challenged and encouraged the students not to lower the bar, but rather take the study of the sciences seriously in order to find solutions to teething problems confronting the country, as that is the goal of education, solving problems.

Dr. Gabriel Nii Laryea, Research Scientist at CSIR

Mr Charles Nkrumah, Youth Affairs president - GUNA also took his turn to admonish the the students body to take up their lessons seriously in order to become responsible adults.

Mr Charles Nkrumah, Youth Affairs president - GUNA