Assembly enhances waste management and revenue collection

The Tarkwa Nsuaem Assembly has donated five dumpsters to the Municipal Environmental Department and a motorbike to the Stool Lands Revenue Collectors.

Date Created : 8/19/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Irene Kwakye/Ghanadistricts.com

The five dumpsters will be strategically placed throughout the municipality to encourage proper waste disposal and promote a cleaner environment.

The motorbike will facilitate the mobility of revenue collectors, enabling them to cover more areas efficiently and effectively. The dumpsters were funded by Stool Lands Revenue.

Municipal Chief Executive of the area Benjamin Kessie emphasized the assembly’s commitment to supporting various sectors in the municipality. “We are dedicated to creating a clean, healthy, and prosperous environment for our residents. These donations will enhance our efforts in waste management and revenue collection.”

The Environmental Department and Revenue Collectors expressed gratitude for the donations, pledging to utilize the resources effectively.