The Afadjato South District Assembly says it will serve as guarantor to all students in the district who apply for loans through the Students Loan Trust Fund.

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NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

AFADJATO: Assembly to guarantee student loans

The Afadjato South District Assembly says it will serve as guarantor to all students in the district who apply for loans through the Students Loan Trust Fund.

Date Created : 5/25/2014 : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Afadjato South District Assembly says it will serve as guarantor to all students in the district who apply for loans through the Students Loan Trust Fund.

The students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) was established in December 2005 under the Trustee Incorporation Act 1962, Act 106.

The objective of the Trust Fund is to provide financial resources for the sound management of the Trust for the benefit of students and to help promote and facilitate the national ideals.

Speaking to Citi FM, the District Chief Executive of the Afadjato South District Assembly, Angela Alewu –Tay  revealed that, the Assembly has received over 300 applications for financial aid from some tertiary students in the district.

According to her the decision by the assembly to serve as a guarantee for students who apply for loan “will take the burden off us. It will enable us concentrate a little bit more on the senior high and junior high.”

She also added that, “In some of the schools most of the pupils are unable to write their exams because their unable to register due to financial difficulties. So we would rather pay attention to those people then have the trust cater for our tertiary students”

Asked whether she worried people will not pay back she disclosed that “I am not worried about recovery because it is not the assembly’s obligation to chase the people. All they want to know is where the assembly comes from and that is guaranteed so I am not worried about that.”