
There are many shrines in the Ketu North District, some of which are noted for healing.  Notable among them are the Nyigbla shrine of Afife.  These shrines observe annual festivals of ritual ceremonies, which attract hundreds of people all over the country and beyond.  There is also a sacred heart shrine at Tornu.

Apart from these shrines, there are exciting traditional festivals celebrated by a good number of communities in the district.

The Performing Arts

Apart from dance and music forms attached to shrine worship, there are many dance groups in every village and town of Ketu North. These groups perform at social functions like durbars, funerals, and festivals.  The exceptional groups are the:

Agumadze Dance-Drama Group of Atiteti

Tagbolo Group of Dzodze

These groups demonstrate dance-dramas in a traditional costume, instruments and genre.



Date Created : 11/20/2017 7:08:59 AM