Implementation Arrangement

Implementation of the District composite plan will occur at different levels and will be participatory as much as practicable. The various stages identified for action are: the Community level, the Area Council Level, the District Level and the Regional level.

At the Community level where chiefs, elders and opinion leaders will be required to offer a steering role and to release land necessary for projects. Still at the Community level, unit committees will lead the task of daily implementation work of activities targeted at the Community. They will be required to mobilize the Community in conjunction with the assembly person for the affected electoral area to participate in the plan implementation. CBOs are expected to buy into this process to offer their support to the communities in cash, kind and technical backstopping to the communities to achieve success in the implementation process.

The Area level staff and councilors will offer support to the communities in the process of plan implementation. They will also bridge the gap in the implementation process between the communities and the District Assembly. The Area levels will be required to also, report progress of implementation of the plan and reveal bottlenecks that plague smooth plan implementation to the District Assembly for solution.

The third level of implementation will be the District Assembly. In the process of implementation, the District Assembly will first be required to market the District Development Manual across the nation and even outside. This is to mobilize the necessary resources needed to achieve a realistic and full implementation of this document for the benefit of the rural poor in particular. 

At the District Assembly level, all departments and agencies are required to immediately constitute/strengthen their plan implementation teams. Responsibilities should be shared and work plans drawn with budgets.  At this stage, capacity gaps that will possibly thwart the action required to get activities properly acted on should be carried out to make staff assigned to specific roles to perform.

The regional level also, has a role to play in the plan implementation. Besides the mandate of coordinating all development activities, they will also offer some advices and technical backstopping to the smooth plan implementation in both intra-district and on inter-district bases. The region will also interpret and resolve policy hitches in the implementation process.

Linking Plan to the Annual Budget

The MTDP has been compartmented from the composite plan of action into annual action plans. These annual action plans though with cost estimates attached, will be revised annually to suit current realities on the ground since planning is not a one stop approach to development. Annually the plan and the budget will be organised in line with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework the components of which fall similar to the GPRS thematic areas. The budget will in effect touch on personal emoluments, Administrative expenses, expenses on service provision and investment in social and economic infrastructure.


Date Created : 11/27/2017 3:37:28 AM