It is worthy of note that majority of Teachers in the District are untrained. Of the total number of 895 teachers teaching at all levels in the District, only 34.3% (307) are trained.  65.7% (588) are untrained. Those trained and untrained for primary are 150 and 289. Junior High School, 153 and 124 for trained and untrained respectively.

This situation does not ogre well for the development of education in the District and conscious efforts must be made to address underlying cause of the problem in order to attract qualified teachers to the district.

The infrastructures of majority of these schools are in poor state. Some of these schools need new facilities altogether, while others rehabilitation.  As is clearly shown above the enrolment of these schools is such that immediate steps must be taken to construct classroom s for them.


Youth and Sports

With a dynamic youthful population of about 62%, there is the urgent need for the District to create a conducive and enabling environment for the youth to channel their energies and not dissipate it in wasteful ventures.

Sports development has been identified as a major tool for recreation and well-being as well as economic development.  The District has a number of Football and Volley ball teams but woefully lacks basic sports infrastructure.  There is virtually no standard football field as well as facilities for other sports like basketball, volley ball, badminton, table tennis among others.  These need to be addressed in collaboration with the private sector to promote sports.  The District Assembly would have to facilitate development of sports to promote employment and tourism and enhance health and also as a tool for and JSS in particular might portray the picture that teachers are under utilized in the District.  It again goes to buttress the earlier fact that school participation rate is low in the District,

School Logistics

Although, of late, there has been a significant improvement in the supply of school furniture, textbooks and other logistics, this has not kept pace with the increase in enrolment.


Date Created : 11/20/2017 3:56:20 AM