
The Municipality has an average annual rainfall of 1,270mm and two rainy seasons. The major rainy season starts in March and ends in August whiles the minor is between September and November. The remaining months spans the harmattan dry season.

The average annual temperature is 270C with variations in mean monthly temperature ranging between 220C - 300C (Meteorological Service, Mampong, 2010).


The Mampong Municipality lies within the wet semi-equatorial forest zone. Due to human activities like charcoal production, lumbering and bush fires, the forest vegetation particularly the North-eastern part, has been reduced to Savannah. Vegetation of primary origin can only be found within a reserve known as the Kogyae Natural Forest Reserve, which has a total land area of 115 square kilometres.

 Relief and drainage

The land is fairly low-lying in the south and steadily undulates towards the north. The highest point is about 2400 meters above mean sea level whilst the lowest point is 135 meters above mean sea level, (Meteorological Service, Mampong, 2010). There is an escarpment, which is an extension of the Kintampo-Bisa ranges. The area is also drained by several streams and rivers, notably Afram, Sene, Sasebonso and Kyirimfa.

Geology and minerals

The area is underlain by Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Birimean formation and contains most of the mineral deposits, especially sand, stone and other minerals.



Date Created : 11/28/2017 12:15:41 AM