The Municipality can boast of many mining companies, mining support services and industrial laboratories, which are privately owned and serve as strategic development partners.  In our quest to come out with this plan, inputs were invited from them and their plan integrated into ours.  Some of these mining companies are Goldfields Ghana Limited, Aboso Goldfields Limited, Ghana Manganese Company Limited, Ghana Australian Goldfields, New Century Mines, Prestea Sankofa Gold Limited and Bogoso Gold Limited. 

There are other state-owned industries like Aboso Glass Factory and Bonsa Tyre Factory although they are currently not functioning.  Mining contribute immensely to the vibrant nature of the local economy.  Industrial activities would be grouped under two categories, small scale and large-scale industries respectively.

Small Scale Industries

For the sake of clarity on this situational analysis, any industries that engage 30 or less people is termed as small-scale industry.  According to DPCU baseline survey, 8.2% of the people are engaged by this sector.  The table below shows some of the small-scale industries that exist in , which includes agro-based industries, Wood-based, Metal-based, Textile, Small-Scale miners (galamsey) amongst others.  They employ a sizeable proportion of the unemployed youth and contribute to the growth of the micro-economy.

The proliferation of ‘galamsey’ activities attests to the fact that there exist mineral rich rocks.  These ‘galamsey’ activities although very detrimental to the environment, especially land, water pollution amongst other, it contributes in diverse ways to the micro-economy.  Their output  has not being quantified but there is no doubt that it contributes in no small way to the local economy.  In spite of the existence of other small scale industries, the lucrative activities is over shadowing them because of it earnings is higher.

Most of the agro-based industries are palm oil mill garri-processing palm kernel extraction, carving, woodwork, black smiting, batik tie and dye making, millings and artisans.  Most of these industries are privately owned and if the Assembly supports them they can act as engine of growth in the Municipality.

Large Scale Industries

Besides agriculture and the small-scale industries, large scale industrial activities used to play a significant role in both the micro and national economic activities.  In spite of the lack of recapitalization of Bonsa Tyre Factory and Aboso Glass Factory, mining activities still play a remarkable role in creation of jobs for thousands of people.  Several other employment avenues have been created as a result of mining service support activities.  Below is list of some major mining companies and their labour employment levels

The seven major mining companies employ a total of ………..which is about …….. of the labour force.
Minerals mined  are exported to South African, Europe, Asia and Eastern Europe because the only gold processing factory built in the early 1960’s could not come to fruition.

Mining communities assist in development programmes in communities within the catchments areas they are operating.  They provide educational facilities and scholarships, water facilities, health, toilet facilities, road and assist in income generating activities. 

They also collaborate with the Assembly in its development efforts  wide.  There exist brighter prospects in the mining sector.  For example, the geology  indictes the existence of diamond, kaolin and silica, which are not tapped yet, while gold and manganese deposits cover hundreds of kilometers of land.

Much as the Assembly will try to attract investors into the mining industry, it is wary of the threats that mining creates when proper environmental control measures are not duly put in place.  All these resources when properly harnessed and managed can serve as the engine of growth in the Municipality.


Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:28:24 AM