It is known that the health of the people is the wealth of the people as poor health affects all the other indicators of economy such as productivity. In the Wenchi District there are a number of factors that affect the health delivery system. These include the state of the infrastructure, the number of health personnel and the equipment levels. There is currently a continuous and vigorous awareness creation campaign on all communicable diseases and the deadly HIV/AIDS menace. The expectation is that all preventable diseases will be controlled and the others will be adequately catered for and the health of the people will improve.

Health facilities and staff

Currently, there are 6 public health facilities in the District: only one is a hospital, 2 health centre, 3 clinics and 1 maternity home. However, all the facilities are poorly staffed. There are 6 Doctors in the district with doctor/patient ratio of 1: 16,195 as depicted in the table 1.11 below. On the whole, there are 6 doctors, 44 nurses, and 1 pharmacist at post providing health services for a population of 84,478.

Periodically, however, doctors from Cuba are posted to the District to augment the staff strength. There are also TBAs, CBS who are also recognised as informal sector and provide support to the health delivery system. Herbalists also play significant role in the health delivery system.

Besides the public health facilities are 3 other private health facilities. These health facilities occasionally refer cases to either Techiman Holy Family or Sunyani Regional Hospitals.

The facilities are not only inadequate; most of them have not seen maintenance for a long time. For example, the facilities at Tromeso and Subinso need to be rehabilitated.

Top Ten Diseases

Wenchi District has its list of ten top diseases. Table 1.12 shows recorded cases from 2003 to 2005. The 2003 and 2004 figures included those of Tain district when wenchi and Tain was one district. The table shows an increase in reported cases for all the diseases over the years. However, in, five diseases recorded a drop in the rate of infection. These are: upper respiratory tract infection, intestinal worms’ infection, pregnancy related diseases, accidents, and pneumonia.

In terms of hierarchy, malaria ranks high and this conforms to national trends. In the year 2005, 59.3% of all cases reported were due to malaria followed in a distant by Diarrhoea and related diseases with 6.6%. The least of the cases is pregnancy-related diseases. The trend from 2003 to 2005 is depicted below in table 1.12.

Childhood Killer Diseases

Childhood diseases require special attention for the future of the district. Measles is the number one child killer disease followed by tuberculosis and tetanus (Table 1.13). Polio and diphtheria are well under control. Measles was at its highest of infection in 1997 and 2000 where over 400 cases were reported. Specifically in 2001, measles topped the list with 55% of childhood killer diseases reported. In all the listed disease, 1999 recorded the least cases.

General Health & Demographic Trends

Infant mortality has reduced considerably from high of 50/1000 in 1997 to 1/1000 live births in 2005. Maternal mortality is also on the decline, from 700/100,000 in 1997 to 400/100,000 in 1999 but rose again to 600/100,000 in 2001. There was further decline to 102/100,000 live birth in 2005. This is probably due to improved access to health services and increased nutritional value. The table 1.14 below depicts the current mortality rates.

Teenage pregnancy is equally high. As much as 729 cases were reported in 1997, rising to 847 in 1999 and 1239 in 2001 (sources: DHMT, Wenchi 2002).

Incidence of HIV/AIDS Cases

HIV/AIDS cases are gradually being reported in the district and the rate is increasing since 1998. The record shows a minimal rise from 103 cases in 1998 to 106 in 2001. The year 2000 however recorded the highest number so far, i.e. 120

The disease affects all age groups but highest between age 15 and 44. This is in line with the national trend which shows that the disease affects the youth who are sexually active. Again, more females are affected, in 2001 for example, 68% of those infected were female.

As a result of the infection rate and the national response to the disease, intensive awareness, education and communication campaign has been waged, targeting all ages and social groups. Among the media are video shows, radio discussions, durbars, and antenatal clinics.

The prevalence rate therefore reduced from 6.8% in 2004 to 3.2% in 2005. However HIV/AIDS topped the ten causes of death in the District in 2005 as depicted in table 1.15 below. This is a serious situation and calls for concern which demands pragmatic interventions to reverse the trend.


Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:24:02 AM