Name : Joseph Osei Owusu
Position : 1st Deputy Speaker
Designation : 1st Deputy Speaker

The Speaker is assisted in the performance of his duties by two Deputy Speakers (First and Second Deputy Speakers), who are elected at the commencement of every Parliament, both of whom should not belong to the same political party.


By the practice of the House, the First Deputy Speaker is elected from the Majority Group. He presides over the sittings of the House whenever the Speaker is absent. When he takes the Chair, he exercises all the powers of the Speaker for the effective and efficient conduct of business in the House.


By the Standing Orders of the House, the First Deputy Speaker presides over the Appointments Committee and the Privileges Committee.


Brief Profile of 1st Deputy Speaker Hon. Joseph Osei Owusu


Constituency: Bekwai

Region: Ashanti Region

Party: NPP

Occupation/Profession: Lawyer

Parliamentary Seat: Majority

Date of Birth: January 22, 1962

Hometown: Bekwai, Ashanti Region

Highest Qualification: Emgl, Barrister-At-Law / MP

Last Employment: Ass. Master of Chambers, George Sarpong Legal Services 1993-2002; CEO, DVLA Accra

Marital Status: Married (with four children)

Religion: Christianity (Catholic)

Votes Obtained: 49,894 votes = 86.06%.




Start Datte : 1/7/2017 12:00:00 AM End Date : 12/7/2020 12:00:00 AM