Management Structures

There exists the under- listed educational structures at the municipal directorate and school levels to assist in the management, teaching, supervision and sensitization of communities.

1    Municipal Education Oversight Committee (DEOC)
2    School Management Committee (SMC)
3    Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs)
4    Municipal Teacher Support Team (DTST)
5    Municipal Education Planning Team (DEPT)
6    Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Team

The Municipal Education Oversight Committee (MEOC), chaired by the Municipal Chief Executive is the highest administrative and policy-making body.


The educational institutions in the municipality include pre-schools, first and second cycle institutions and a polytechnic. Enrolment of pupils at the basic level is quite high and characterized by an increase at a decreasing rate.  This trend brings into sharp focus the thorny issue of retention or dropouts especially of the girl-child.


The basic schools are poorly staffed and there exist a number of untrained teachers especially in the rural areas.  The tables below depict the existing situation in the municipality:  Quality and effective teaching are adversely affected by a high pupil-teacher radio (PTR). This situation.

School Buildings

School infrastructural facilities are of varied types ranging from sandcrete     block buildings to sheds.  In a few cases, classes are held under trees.

School  Water And Sanitation Facilities

Generally, most of the rural schools have neither access to potable water nor toilet facilities.  Out of the 173 basic schools, only 65 and 58 have water and toilet facilities respectively.

Teacher  Accommodation

Very few schools have this essential facility.  The compound round-huts in the rural areas are mainly for individual households.  Teachers in these areas therefore commute to their various schools from Bolgatanga.  The lack of accommodation seriously accounts for teacher absenteeism and lateness to school.

Science/ Technical Workshops

1.     Almost all the Junior Secondary Schools have neither workshops nor materials needed to facilitate the teaching and learning of technical skills.

2.     Completion of 33-unit Classroom Block, 11 offices and 11 stores and a Girl School-¢1,294,373,700.00

3.     On-going construction of 12-Unit Classroom Block, 4 offices and 4 stores - ¢260,257,044.80

4.     Rehabilitation of 11 unit classroom Block, 1 Office, and 1 store -38,432,800.00

5.     On-going Rehabilitation of Model School - ¢69,686,500.00

6.     Completion of Teachers Quarters -¢84,200,000.00


Date Created : 11/24/2017 1:12:43 AM