European Union 6th Micro –Project Progrmme Phase 1 and 2 has been commissioned at Nabori in the West Gonja District of the Northern Region.

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NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

(NABORI) WEST GONJA: Classroom block commissioned for Nabori

A three unit classroom block under the European Union 6th Micro –Project Progrmme Phase 1 and 2 has been commissioned at Nabori in the West Gonja District of the Northern Region.

Date Created : 8/28/2009 : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

A three unit classroom block under the European Union 6th Micro –Project Progrmme Phase 1 and 2 has been commissioned at Nabori in the West Gonja District of the Northern Region.

In his address, the DCE for the West Gonja District, Hon. Adam Mutawakilu mentioned that, the task of the District Assemblies is to provide social amenities that would make the people of the area enjoy good life. This is however normally very difficult for the assemblies alone to do he added.

 In the light of this he said, development partners had over the years come to the aid of the assemblies.

Hon. Adam said, the assembly has been privileged to have the EU supporting them with some developmental activities including school buildings CHPS Compound, and Teachers quarters among others.

The DCE gave a brief account of the support the assembly has received from the EU for the 6th Micro Project Programme phase 1 and 2 as follows; (GH¢107,760.42) whilst the assembly and the communities contributed (GH¢26,940.11) which is twenty five percent of the total contribution for the construction of five projects in the district.

He mentioned the projects as follows;


1.      A 3 Unit Classroom Block at Nabori

2.      A CHPS Compound at Achubunyor

3.      A CHPS compound at Lingbinsi

4.      Teachers Quarter at Mognori and

5.      A Culvert at Murugu


Under the phase II he continued the EU supported the assembly with (GH¢125,750.71). The assembly and the communities also contributed (GH¢31,437.68) representing twenty five percent of the total cost.


The DCE mentioned the projects under taken during this period as follows;

1.      A 3 Unit Classroom Block at Alhassankura

2.      A 3 Unit Classroom Block at Achubunyor

3.      A Nurses Quarter at Lanbonto


Credit:Regina Atule/PF