NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ABURA: Assembly records slight improvement in BECE

Interventions made by the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District Assembly with the help of the District Education Directorate in the education sector is beginning to pay of pushing performance at the BECE level to 44.5%.

Date Created : 5/19/2014 11:16:43 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Interventions made by the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District Assembly with the help of the District Education Directorate in the education sector is beginning to pay of pushing performance at the BECE level to 44.5%.

Mr. William Atta-Mends addressing assembly members at a meeting said the improvement is not representative enough thus creating room for more work to be done. He attributed the current gains to interventions made in the sector which included among other things;
• adoption of schools by officers from the Education Directorate and given them experimental support,

•  organization of reading tests among the basic six pupils to improve their reading skills,

• banning the use of mobile phones during instructional hours,

• increasing supervisions and the number of schools visitation from three to five times.

• placing embargo on the salaries of teachers who frequently absent themselves from school,

• organization of examinations in all schools to access the performance of students and to set standards ,  were all geared at improving performance.

Having realized the measures are making gains, the DCE called on all stakeholders especially the assembly members to pay frequent visits to the schools in their electoral areas to ensure that the implementations of some of these interventions are carried out thoroughly so that the full benefit will be realized district wide.
Mr. Atta Mends also used the occasion to appeal to parents to show more concern in the education of their children by ensuring better supervision of what they do as well as provide them with their basic needs that will keep them away from engaging in social vices.

Dominic Shirimori/