NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ABURA: 17 HIV/AIDS cases recorded in first quarters

District Chief Executive for the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District, William Atta-Mends is worried about the rate of HIV/AIDS infections in the district with 17 reported cases in the first quarter of this year.

Date Created : 5/17/2014 11:09:06 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

District Chief Executive for the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District, William Atta-Mends is worried about the rate of HIV/AIDS infections in the district with 17 reported cases in the first quarter of this year.

He said the situation is alarming considering government effort directed at reducing the spread of the disease. He therefore called on all and sundry to join in the fight so that the spread can be controlled.

However, the assembly with the help of the district Health Directorate has intervened in a number of ways. Among the measures instituted included;

1.    Supply of drugs to support people living with HIV/AIDS
2.    Free screening, counseling and testing  in communities
3.    Film and video shows on the disease in second cycle institutions
4.    Training of staff on stigma and discrimination as well as prevention of mother to child transmission.

The DCE further reminded assembly members about the Ebola virus and urged them to monitor symptoms of it in communities and healing camps and report promptly to authorities for necessary action.

Commenting on progress in reducing maternal mortality, Mr. Atta Mends said this is being seriously pursued through various interventions. One of them is the commencement of biometric registration for the National Health Insurance Scheme district wide with 6,800 registered persons so far. This is to encourage expectant mothers to honour anti-natal and post natal health services to ensure their safety and that of their babies.

He advised all those yet to register under the scheme to do so while calling on individuals with expired cards to renew them to keep enjoying the service.

Dominic Shirimori/