NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ABURA: Aburaman SHS cries for help

The Headmistress of Aburaman Senior High School, Madam Alberta Obiriwa Rigg-Stewart, has appealed to the government, non-governmental organizations and private companies to assist the School to complete the water project it started a year ago.

Date Created : 4/10/2014 10:09:33 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Headmistress of Aburaman Senior High School, Madam Alberta Obiriwa Rigg-Stewart, has appealed to the government, non-governmental organizations and private companies to assist the School to complete the water project it started a year ago.

The project comprises drilling of a 60-metre borehole, lying of pipes and construction of water reservoirs.

Mad Rigg-Stewart made the appeal at a ceremony at which the Corporate Director of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Mr Winfred Agbesi, presented a cheque for 10,000 Ghana cedis to the School to support the project.

The amount was the national prize the School won in a quiz competition organized by the NHIA to commemorate its 10th Anniversary last year.

The School had earlier won both the Regional and Zonal competitions.

Mad Rigg-Stewart said scarcity of water in the School for the past 18 months had been one of their major challenges.

She said early completion of the project would facilitate academic work and help prevent students from leaving the compound ostensibly to look for water.

MadRigg-Stewart expressed appreciation to the NHIA for supporting the school with the amount and appealed for more of such assistance.

Mr Agbesi commended the school for winning the prize and urged the students to learn harder than before to retain the position next year.