NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

E MAMPRUSI:PM wants government to ensure timely flow of funds

Mr. Tibila Sandow, Presiding Member for the East Mamprusi district has appealed to government to ensure a regular and prompt release of funds due the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA’s) to enable the assemblies undertake the necessary projects for the people.

Date Created : 5/31/2013 11:22:47 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Mr. Tibila Sandow, Presiding Member for the East Mamprusi district has appealed to government to ensure a regular and prompt release of funds due the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA’s) to enable the assemblies undertake the necessary projects for the people.

He observed that facilities such as the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) and the District Development Fund(DDF) which forms part of the core funds that facilitate the numerous projects in the local areas always delay in reaching them, hence causing a temporary holdup of projects due for implementation.

Speaking to, Mr. Sandow maintained that when such problem is resolved it would help curtail instances of backlog of projects which should be rolled out.

He also pleaded with government to reduce the number of deductions made on the facilities, adding that it is sometimes difficult to compute and explain them properly to the assembly.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tibila Sandow has retained his position again for the third successive time as the Presiding Member for the assembly.

The 58yr old Public Educator working as the District Director for the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) won an unopposed contest in a recent assembly meeting held in the area.

He said his work is very challenging, especially combining his job as a public educator and acting as the PM for the assembly, but noted that the good working relationship he had fostered between him and the key actors in the assembly will create a harmonious environment for the administration of the assembly.

Jonathan Jeffrey Adjei/