PWDs in North Dayi Assembly receive support from government

The North Dayi District Assembly has distributed items to 51 persons with disabilities in the district Assembly to enhance their living conditions.

Date Created : 3/11/2020 8:22:41 AM : Story Author : Robert Attoh/

The Social Welfare Department of the North Dayi District Assembly (NDDA) on behalf of the Government fulfilled the promise of improving on the lives of PWDs to enable them to become part of the mainstream society as stated in the Disability ACT of 2006 (Act 715).

Items distributed are made up of sewing machines, corn mill machines, popcorn machines, irrigation machines, tricycles, chest freezers, assorted provision, and cash. The items were procured with the three (3) percent allocation of the PWD fund carved from District Assembly’s Common Fund.

Madam Diana Agbo, the District Director of the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development in her speech warned the beneficiaries against the selling of the items but use them purposefully because follow-ups would be made to check on their prudent use.

She also called on the PWDs in the District not to hesitate to approach the Assembly anytime the need arose, adding that the Assembly would continue to support them.

Speaking at a short ceremony to present the items, the District Chief Executive (DCE), Hon. Kudjoh Attah said the donation was part of efforts by the Assembly to economically empower PWDs in fulfillment of the Government’s responsibility to support PWDs in the country as stipulated under the constitution to reduce poverty and to improve upon livelihood to effectively reduce begging on the street by the marginalized group.

Hon. DCE explained that PWDs were asked to apply for the support programme and such items were a response in that direction, stressing that the process was a genuine one, where PWDs came forward with their concerns being specific with the needs they wanted to be addressed.

He, however, cautioned them to handle whatever they had received with care as reports indicated that some earlier beneficiaries sold off their items and were now relying on others for sustenance.

Hon. Kudjoh Attah pledged that the programme would continue until each one of the PWDs were empowered in one way or the other.

He stated that PWDs were not less human and so must be treated with respect and love, Disability is not inability, rather such persons are special in their own way, he remarked.

He also charged the Social Welfare department to put in place monitoring and evaluation mechanism to ensure that the purpose for which the government set aside the fund achieved the needed impact in the district and put in place remedial measures where there were shortfalls.

The beneficiaries thanked the Government and the Assembly for remembering them and not making them feel left out.