2020 Census Committee inaugurated in North Day District

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Kudjoh Attah Edmund has inaugurated the District Census Implementation Committee (DCIC) for the 2020 Population and Housing Census with a call on the members to give off their best to ensure a successful Programme. The colorful event took place on Thursday, 20th February 2020 at the District Assembly Hall, Anfoega.

Date Created : 3/11/2020 8:30:59 AM : Story Author : Robert Attoh/

The inauguration of the committee is to allow members to plan and execute programme that would ensure the overall success of the three weeks exercise come June, 28 this year.

In a presentation by Benson Hail Akpah, GSS (DCO) who gave a long history of population census dating back from 1981 in the colonial era and the last one in 2010.

Mr. Akpah, underscored the importance of Population and housing census, stressing that it helped in planning and for users of official data for their work. He said the successful implementation and outcome of the 2020 population and housing census, would no doubt improve on policymaking in the District and to a large extent the country as a whole.

The committee would assist in the publicity and public education on the census, facilitate the recruitment of field enumerators and distribution of census logistics, encourage community participation in the census and facilitate mobilization of vehicles and motorbikes to support the census activities.

The Hon. DCE in his inaugural speech described the population and housing data as a critical and indispensable source of statistics in the implementation of decentralization programmes.

He urged the committee to put technical knowledge in creating the needed public awareness and to persuade all stakeholders and residents in the district to get involved and get counted in order to produce a very reliable population database for the country.

The Hon. DCE administered the oaths of Secrecy and Allegiance as well as the official oath to all seven members.

Membership of the committee comprised the District Coordinating Director, the District Information Officer, Director of Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, A rep from the Traditional Council, National Commission for Civic Education and Statistical Service.