NCCE, GII sensitize citizens on the effects of corruption

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in collaboration with Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) and Community on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) held a community durbar on corruption in Awate Todzi in the North Dayi District.

Date Created : 11/29/2019 1:44:53 AM : Story Author : Theresa Mawuena Workartey/

The collaboration is meant to educate them on the effect of corruption on the citizens and the development of the country.

In his keynote address, the District Director of NCCE, Simon Kwaku Mawuko stated that the repercussion of corruption goes a long way to affect the citizenry and societies, urging them to be interested in helping curb it.

The Director for CHRAJ, Ephraim Botchway also stated that the NCCE seeks to condemn and fight corruption in the country and he further urged all and sundry to be transparent in their dealings with the public.

He further said that corruption impedes peoples’ right to justice, adding that corruption is a threat to national progress because the majority of the population is denied the opportunity to employment, education, health and food.

Bright Elikem Agbagba from GII stated in his address that corruption has negative effects on the economy and also urged them to join the crusade to fight corruption for a better Ghana by reporting corrupt officials to the appropriate authorities.

Also the District police command DSP Avonyo stated emphatically that the police are putting measures in place to curb corruption and further encouraged the people to report every corrupt act they witness.