North Dayi inaugurates new assembly

The North Dayi District officially inaugurated the 3rd Assembly into office.

Date Created : 3/10/2020 7:12:19 AM : Story Author : Robert Attoh/

The Members comprises of twenty – three (23) Elected Members and eleven (11) Government Appointees.

The colorful ceremony took place at the District capital, Anfoega in the Volta Region on Thursday 23rd of January, 2020. The program attracted many Traditional Rulers, the Clergy, Heads of Department and Several indigenes to make the inauguration a remarkable one.

Togbui Detsu IV, (Akuamohene), the Chairman for the inauguration, reminded members that their office comes with responsibilities that must be discharged with commitment and dedication.

Togbui Detsu IV further urged them to support the DCE and the Assembly staff to help bring development to the District.

The DCE, Kudjoh Attah, in his welcome address, congratulated all Hon. Members both elected and Government Appointees. He also felt delighted seeing some old faces and new faces in the house and then advice the old faces to share their expertise with the new entrants to keep them abreast of the activities of the District Assembly.

“The role and functions of the Assembly members aimed at the total development of the District cannot be overemphasized. I wish to appeal to Hon. Members especially the new entrants to acquaint themselves with the functions and duties of Assembly members in order to facilitate their work at the assembly. On this note, his administration would do all within its power to organize capacity building programs for Hon. Members to enhance their performance.

Again, he assured them that his administration was opened to new ideas and strategies to help generate more revenue for development.

The Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Letsa, who presented the inaugural speech on behalf of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ghana charged assembly members across the country to collaborate effectively with their various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives to advance the implementation of Government program as contained in the Co-ordinated Program of Economics and Social Development Policies.

He again stressed that the government will continue providing resources for the improvement of the well- being of Ghanaians and the implementation of laudable interventions such as the Free SHS Policy, One District, One Factory and the Planting for food and jobs programs among others.

He also charged the new Assembly members to partner the Assemblies in increasing their revenue thresholds through the roll-out of modern and innovative ways to rake in more internally generated funds for the execution of developmental projects and the smooth operation of the Assembly

The 34 – Assembly Members were sworn into office by Her Worship Love Worname who administered the Official Oath and the Oath of Secrecy.