ARAP to fight corruption in Ghana - Adansi North NCCE Director

The Adansi North District office of the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) has rolled up a massive public education and sensitization program to tackle corruption in the district.

Date Created : 3/19/2019 6:04:26 AM : Story Author : Sampson Manu/

At the Adiembra D/A and Qualitek Montessori Schools, the District Director of N.C.C.E Mr. Sylvester Yaw Asamoah told the participants made up of teachers and pupils that Corruption is rife and it is evident in our society hence if we do not nib it in the bud, posterity would suffer and would not forgive the current generation . "

He revealed that the Accountability Rule of law and Anti Corruption Programme approach adopted by the European Union and the Government of Ghana is best way to tackle corruption in Ghana.The Accountability Rule of Law Anti - Corruption Program (A.R.A.P) method once employed by leaders would make leaders accountable ' to and for' their people. You cannot fight corruption if leaders lord it over their subjects, Mr. Asamoah emphasised.

"We owe a responsibility to the next generation by fighting against corruption. Life can only be better for the next generation if we live a corruption free life".

On the definition of corruption, the Fomena NCCE Director said Transparency International defines corruption as the use of entrusted power for a private gain. This he added, us the widely accepted definition of corruption. He appealed to all religious groupings in the country to lead the charge against corruption since their scriptures talk extensively against corruption and bribery.

Responding to questions from the participants, he mentioned efforts by Government to deal with corruption. He said laws like the Whistles Blowers Act ( ACT 720, 2006) empowers citizens to provide information to law enforcement agencies on acts of corruption without any form of victimization. Other state institutions like the Economic and Organized Crime Office, Police and Judiciary are always empowered by the State to fight corruption.

The following suggestions were made by the teachers;
1. Sylvester Oppong suggested that, the sensitization should also target those at the helm of affairs of government.
2. James Anane asserted a major cause of this menace is the multiparty democratic system of governance the country practices, explaining that, when a party is able to win power, they appreciate their die_hard supporters with all kinds of appointments and contracts which might be out of their area of expertise.
3. Comfort Turkson expressed worry and wondered whether the legal regimes are trustworthy. This is because most of those engaged in corruption at the highest level normally go scotfree.
4. Augustina Baah also added, one way of curbing corruption is by holding the bull by the horn, citing an instance where she reported a banker to her bosses for charging more than she ought to. Eventually, the culprit was fired.