Ejisu revenue collectors trained on DLREV

The Ejisu Municipal Assembly has organized training for newly recruited revenue collectors on the District Local Revenue (DLREV) software to help mobilize more revenue for the Assembly.

Date Created : 1/27/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The new German software for the collection of revenue will allow traders, landlords, business owners to pay their bills straight into the account of the Assembly. Bill paid would subsequently reflect on the digitized platform which has management of the Assembly on.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Mr. Samuel Oduro Frimpong said the software will help boost the Assembly’s revenue mobilization which will go a long way to bring more development to the Ejisu Municipality.

He indicated that the Assembly will soon sensitize the public on the system before its implementation.

He admonished the participating officers to attach professionalism to their work and put to good use everything they had learnt from the workshop.