PWDs receive support from Ejisu Assembly

Some persons living with disability (PWD) in the Ejisu Municipal Assembly have taken turns to receive support from the Disability Fund of the District Assembly’s Common Fund.

Date Created : 12/21/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

Amongst the items donated were deep freezers, fufu pounding machines, and others to boost their socio-economic status.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Mr. Samuel Oduro Frimpong who did the presentation noted that the government intends to sustain such support programmes to mitigate the vulnerability PWDs face in society to improve their livelihood as part of other plans.

He, therefore, admonished them to desist complaining of not having jobs but rather acknowledge the support given by the government and put them to worthy use to better their livelihood.

The MCE advised them to be ambitious, steadfast and patient to grow their business successfully to be able to cater for their family members and also encouraged them to save with the banks to ensure better security for their livelihood and for other benefits as well.

Present were representative of the Member of Parliament for Ejisu, Lawyer Dr. John Ampontuah Kumah, some senior staff of the Assembly, Assembly Members and others.