NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

AFIGYA-K: Ahwiaa Chief advises NDC/NPP youth to unite

The chief of Ahwiaa, Nana Kusi Asiama Yeboah has admonished the youth of Ghana not to allow themselves to be used by politicians for their selfish interest.

Date Created : 8/16/2013 1:52:52 PM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The chief of Ahwiaa, Nana Kusi Asiama Yeboah has admonished the youth of Ghana not to allow themselves to be used by politicians for their selfish interest.

He said politicians over the years have proven to be interested in what they would get and not that of the people they serve, thus they should not heed to calls on them by politicians to move to the streets to foment chaos after the impending Supreme Court ruling has been declared and does not go in their favour.

Nana Yeboah made the call when he launched the Peace campaign project initiated by the Kwabre East Constituency Youth wings of the National Democratic Congress and the New Patriotic Party at Mamponteng.

The programme was under the theme: “Managing our provocation during, before and after the Supreme Court ruling; the panacea to our democracy.”

Nana Yeboah also called on politicians to desist from the practice of playing on the vulnerability of the youth by enticing them with gifts and monies to cause them to foment troubles in their various communities. This he said is not the proper way to build the capacity of the youth who happen to be the future leaders of this nation.

He also called on the media to be circumspect in their reportage in order not to inflame passions before, during and especially after the pronouncement of the Supreme Court verdict.

For his part, the District Chief Executive for Kwabre East, Hon. Adams Iddisah acknowledged the importance of peace in every society and assured the public that as the head of the District Security Committee (DISEC), he would ensure that the peace and tranquility being enjoyed in the district is maintained.

He however warned that DISEC would not countenance on activities of any group of persons or individuals, irrespective of their political affiliation who will in any way undermine the serenity in the district.

Hon. Iddisah also warned the general public especially social commentators and politicians to be mindful of their speech since its been proven globally that wars do arise as a result of irresponsible speeches made by some individuals.

The Member of Parliament for Kwabre East Constituency, Hon. Kofi Frimpong also lauded the youth for the intention of maintaining the peace in the district and appealed to them to educate their fellow colleagues on the need for us to sustain the peace adding that we are all one big family and should not allow politics to divide us as a people.

He however called on the police service to be alert and firm after the verdict in order to forestall any disruptions.

The Police Commander for the district, Sup. Bismark Agyapong also assured the public that the service is very ready to deal with any bad situation that might arise as a result of the ruling and also added his voice to the call on the youth to be law abiding citizens.

The two political parties were represented by top ranking officials in the constituency and they all assured the gathering of their preparedness to accept the verdict of the outcome of the election petition before the Supreme Court and also pledged to educate their followers on the same matter.

Also present at the launch were Assembly members and supporters from the two parties.

Francis Andoh (ISD)/Mamponteng.