Bono Regional Minister visits chiefs and people of Jaman North

The newly appointed and confirmed Bono Regional Minister, Hon. Evelyn Ama Kumi Richidson former MCE of Sunyani on 5th May, 2019 paid a visit to Nananom and the people of the Jaman north district.

Date Created : 5/7/2019 4:59:27 AM : Story Author : Michael Boahen/

The aim was to officially thank the people of the Jaman north district for their prayers in support of Hon. Siaka Stevens (MP) who also double as the Deputy Bono Regional Minister.

They started their journey from the Roman Catholic Church in Sampa - Saint Theresa's Parish where the Deputy Bono Regional Minister worship with for a thanks given service.

The Ministers and their entourage from the church proceeded to the Sampa Traditional Council where the Chief of Kokoa Nana Kwadwo Masah is currently acting as the Chief to interact with them and officially introduce the new Bono Regional Minister to them.

The team from there proceeded to Nananom and the people of Suma Traditional Council and ended it at Kwatwoma (Saketia) Traditional Council.

Issues Raised By Nananom and The People Of The Three Traditional Councils:

Nananom at the three traditional councils raised almost the same concerns. The first and foremost concern raised by Nananom was in connection with the rampant falling of the cashew price this year.

According to them, although the price of the cashew nut per kilo did not start at an expected price as it ended last year, 2018 the price therefore started from GHs 4.00, increased to GHs 5.00 and quickly dropped to GHs 2.00.

The next concern raised by Nananom was the tarring of Sampa-Drobo road which has for some years developed potholes and led the deteriorated nature of it.

Again, other issue touched by Nananom was the chieftaincy issues in all the three traditional councils. Nananom therefore appealed to DCE, the Deputy Bono Regional Minister as well as the Bono Regional Minister to speed up in the resolution of the chieftaincy problems in the district before it gets out of hand.

Maintenance of peace and stability in the district was also another pressing issue raised by Nananom. They therefore tasked the DCE, Hon. Adane Ankomah, the Deputy Bono Regional Minister-Siaka Stevens as well as the Bono Regional Minister-Hon. Evelyn Ama Kumi Richidson to quickly do something about it.

They said, although the district is currently enjoying peaceful environment, it's not all peaceful due to some robbery and Chieftaincy problems recorded over the past years.

Odeneho Dr. Afram Brempong 2 of the Suma traditional council appealed to District Police Commander, Supretendant Virtus Napen to establish a police post at Jamera community which has recently recording a number of assault cases.

Hon. Bono Regional Minister, Mrs. Evelyn Ama Kumi Richidson in her remakes to Nananom said, all issues raised by Nananom could be addressed if only they (the people) support the NPP government and also tasked them to maintain the current peace the district is enjoying. She said, the only way to see the progress of Jaman north district is to maintain peace.

Minister Siaka Stevens during his delivery message to the people and Nananom said, the escalating rumours that he and the DCE has conspired by taken money from the Ivorian Government in other to open the borders for the inflow of the cashew nut which has therefore affecting it's price to fall is never true and will never be true.

On the issue of the tarring of Sampa-Drobo and Sampa township roads, Hon. Siaka Stevens said, the roads has being in the documents for quite long time and very soon work will commence on them of which he showed a copy of the documents that justify that the said roads has been awarded to construct to Nananom and the people.

Touching on the issue of Chieftaincy, the Hon. Deputy Bono Regional Minister said, measures are already been taken as to how to resolve those grievances amicably.