Jaman North Assembly gets new PM

The Assembly Members of the Jaman North District have held a successful special Assembly meeting to elect a New Presiding Member (PM) and also to confirm the President's nominee, Solomon Owusu as DCE for Jaman North District.

Date Created : 10/7/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Michael Boahen/

The Jaman North District Assembly consists of 39 Assembly Members made up of 27 elected Assembly Members and 12 Government Appointees.

The Electoral Commissioner, Madam Diana Asamoah however educated the house as to how the election is going to be. She said per the standing orders, a candidate must get at least two-thirds of votes before he can be Presiding Member.

After the election, the 39 Assembly Members voted “YES” to enable Osei Abraham as the new PM elect with no spoiled ballots representing 97.5%.

He was then sworn into the office of Presiding Member by His Lordship Mr Serlom K Djata of the Sampa Magistrate Court however cautioned all the Assembly Members to take the Oath of Secrecy very seriously in their duty discharge not to revoke any security to any third party even to their wife’s and husbands since it is criminal and punishable.

The confirmation of the President's nominee, Solomon Owusu followed right after the swearing in of the Presiding Member by His. Lordship Mr Serlom K. Djata, and before then, the EC updated the house on how it's going to be done by saying that the nominee can be victorious only when Members Present and voting votes and it's going to be YES or NO.

After all the members present voted for the president's nominee, Solomon Owusu obtained 39 votes representing 100%.

In his Remarks, the DCE, Solomon Owusu thanked all the Assembly Members for having confidence in him and confirmed him as the new DCE for Jaman North District. He therefore promised that he's ready to serve each and every one irrespective of his political affiliation and that his doors are always open to welcome all ideas if only it will help in the development of the district.

His Lordship Mr Serlom K Djata purged all Assembly Members to take the Oath of Secret as very serious in their daily duty discharge.

Among the dignitaries that occupied the high table were Justina Owusu Banahene-Bono Regional Minister and also the acting Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive, Ahenkwah Yaw Fredrick-MP Jaman North District, Mensah Joseph-Bono NPP 1st Vice Chairman, Doris Asamoah-2nd Vice Chair-NPP-Bono and also Special Aid to the Bono Regional Minister, Solomon Owusu-President's nominee, George Boakye Marfo-NIB, Adane Ankomah-formal DCE, Mr Charles Ferkah-Coordinating Director-Jaman North, Siedu Adams-NPP Jaman North District Constituency Chairman, Nana Kwadwo Magsah-Kakao Chief also Acting President Sampa Traditional Council who represented Nananom.