Physical Planning Department sensitizes draughtsmen, surveyors

In order to have well planned and developed towns in the Municipality, the department of Town and Country Planning in the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Assembly has held a one day sensitization workshop for Draughtsmen and Surveyors.

Date Created : 7/26/2019 4:36:18 AM : Story Author : Matilda Ansah/Daniel O. Gyabeng/

The main agenda for the meeting was to educate the draughtsmen to prepare well-designed building plans with proper demarcated parcels of land which will help them obtain permit.

The Technical Officer at the Physical planning Department of the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Assembly, Mr. Charles Ofosu lamented that, it is the sole responsibility of the Chiefs to prepare Planning Scheme or layout with visible indicated pillars which will enable the Surveyors to execute a good work on site so that, the draughtsman and surveyors working in the Municipality obtain approval for their work. Looking at the requirement needed before a building permit can be approve the development applications should bear the signature or stamp of a good license draughtsman or Architect he added.

Again, he appealed to draught men to encourage the land owners to seek for technical advised from the Assembly before leasing out land for any purpose and also employ qualified surveyors from the surveyors department who can do proper demarcations in accordance with the land use plan.

Speaking to our reporter, he revealed that, there are 130 communities in the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipality; meanwhile, 9 communities have a Planning Scheme, out of the 9 communities which has a planning scheme, only 3 communities has their plans implemented conforming to the approved scheme of the area.

On his part, the head of surveyors at Bogoso, Samuel Arthur said, what the physical Planning Department discussed with the surveyors is o good idea and will help them to do their work very well so that buildings in the newly sited areas will be well arranged with layouts.

He also said it will also help them to educate the land owners where to build, when to build as well as the type of building that should be built on a particular piece of land.

According to him, the discussion will also help solve numerous land disputes and other relating problems and conflicts confronting individuals as far as lands conflict’s is concern.