Nine-Member committee inaugurated to check spread of HIV

A nine-member committee chaired by the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Atwima Mponua, Mr. Isaac Kofi Marfo has being sworn into office to advocate, implement, monitor and report activities related to HIV and help reduce its spread in the District.

Date Created : 11/8/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The swearing-in was done by the District Magistrate, Her Ladyship Victoria Vera Akonu at the Assembly premises.

The committee is made up of the DCE; as the Chairman, the District Director of Health Services, a representative of the Network of Association of Persons living with HIV (NAP+), one representative of the Civil Society Organization that deals with HIV and AIDS.

Others are one representative nominated by a Christian group, one representative nominated by Federation of Muslim and Ahmadiyya Mission, one representative nominated by the Traditional Council or Authority, the District Director of Education and District HIV Focal person.

The DCE appealed to the committee to work tediously to mitigate the spread of the HIV virus.

“I encouraged all committee members to be up to task to help curb the increasing rate of HIV in our district; this has become a source of worry, because I am reliably informed about brothel homes in the district”, he said.

Mr. Twum Samuel Nkansah, the focal person for Ghana AIDS Commission, on his part admonished all and sundry to put their hands on wheel to stop this menace in its tracks.

He reiterated mining activities among others was making Mponua a fertile ground for the disease.

He called on all to take caution and apply preventive measures whenever they engage the opposite sex.