PRESTEA: Krutown-Prestea Assemblyman commissions 57-seater WC
A 57-seater water closet toilet facility has been commissioned at Prestea Krutown in the Western Region.

Date Created : 4/9/2020 6:04:50 AM : Story Author : William Dei-Gyau/Ghanadistricts.com
The commissioning was done by the Assemblymember for the area, Emmanuel Ennor Kwasi Arthur, together with Nana Tenkorang, and the Odikro of Krutown Nsuekyir.
Speaking in an interview with Ghanadistricts.com, Ennor Arthur stated that, the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Assembly from 2017 agreed that all public toilets should be constructed under Public-Private Partnership (PPP), and that, the Assembly won’t use its meager resources on such capital intensive facilities so I informed my community about the initiative and how we can apply to get the project”, he stated.
In line with this, Mr. Edward got one of the projects at Nsuekyir, and he has put up 20 seater WC under PPP.
“The current one we are commissioning today was taken up by Paacoh Company Ltd, and it is a 57 Seater WC toilet with 6 bathrooms. The good news is that 3 out of the 57 WC have been reserved for Children, and is FREE as it will serve the overpopulated residence of the other communities surrounding the Nsuekyir Township” Hon. Ennor Arthur stated.
The Assembly Member praised the Municipal Chief Executive Officer of Prestea Huni-Valley, Hon. Mozart Owuh for initiating the Public-Private Partnership initiative.
He again showed appreciation to the individual personality who in one way or the other contribute to the success the community has shocked now including
Nana Tenkorang, Odikro of Krutown-Nsuekyir, Papa Akoh, Papa Amoadin, Uncle Kofi Mexico, Alhaji Mejimah, and late Nana Nda Amuzu for their great support to the project and contractor.
He added that “Prestea has a deficit in terms of such facilities and encouraged other Electoral Areas to emulate the good example he has set, and get people to take up such PPP initiative to contribute to the development of Prestea.