Twifo Atti-Morkwa supports 54 PWDs

Fifty Four (54) persons living with disability have received cash and items ranging from GH500 to GH3, 000.00 to help support their businesses.

Date Created : 6/27/2019 8:53:51 AM : Story Author : Irene Kwakye

In her address, Madam Joanna Eyimah Jackline, the Social Development Assistant (SDA), noted that some of the people requested for items and others wanted physical cash to invest into their business.

In all, Seven (7) deep freezers with a cost of about Eleven Thousand, Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHS 11, 200) were distributed.

The Assembly also disbursed a total of about Twenty-six Thousand (GHS 26, 000) worth of cash to some PWDs in the area.

Presenting the items, District Chief Executive, Robert Agyemang Nyantakyi, pleaded with the beneficiaries to utilize whatever they got purposefully and also reminded them that, disability isn’t inability.

He urged them to make use of the items they have received, especially the monies whilst making them aware of the number of disabled persons in the district.

The District Chief Executive explained to them that, distribution of funds for over One Thousand (1 thousand) persons living with disability is a major challenge, however, this distribution is encouraged by the proper utilization of earlier disbursement so that others could also benefit.

Mr. Emmanuel Owusu-Fordjour, a visually impaired level 300 student of the University of Cape Coast also ceased the opportunity to advise the gathering of persons living with disability to not let their disability limit their ability.