Amansie West Assembly fails to elect Presiding Member

The Amansie West District Assembly at its special meeting at Manso Nkwanta failed to elect Presiding Member after three rounds of voting.

Date Created : 12/11/2017 12:50:13 AM : Story Author : Paul Antwi/

The candidates, Hon Kwabena Akuoku Kwarteng of Kesseben FM ( Presenter) and Mr Nii Larteh Ollenu Nyinahin District Assembly internal Auditor.

At the end of first Round of voting Hon Kwabena Akuoku Kwarteng obtained ,44 votes cast and Hon Nii Lartey Ollenu obtained 32 votes as none of them were able to obtained two third of the ,80 Assembly members.

At the end of the second round Mr Kwabena Akuoku Kwarteng obtained 40 votes and Mr Nii Lartey Ollenu obtained 34 votes.

At the end of the third rounds Mr Kwabena Akuoko Kwarteng obtained 40 votes, and Mr Nii Lartey Ollenu obtained, 34, votes

Since none of the two candidates obtained the two-thirds of the, 54 votes to become the new Presiding member the meeting has to be fixed for another date to continue the Election of Presiding member.

The election was conducted by the District Electoral Officer.

The District Chief Executive Mr William Bediako Asante thanked the Assembly members for the elections and asked them to consider the development of the district and come out again and vote one touch to reduce huge sums of money Assembly spend at the Assembly meetings.