Assembly trains new Assembly members

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in collaboration with the Institute of Local Government Studies has organized a two-day capacity building workshop for newly sworn- in Assembly Members in Amansie West and South districts in Ashanti Region.

Date Created : 8/18/2020 7:40:28 AM : Story Author : Rosemary Obeng Yeboah/

The District Chief Executive (DCE) Nii Ollenu Larteh in his address stated that the capacity building will help the Honorable assembly members with their day-to-day governance of the district and also make informed inputs during general assembly meetings of the district.

In his view, it was imperative that the assembly members were educated on the rules and regulations of the assemblies.

Mr. Ollenu, also pleaded with the assembly members to study the Model Standing Orders to familiarize themselves with the proceedings of the assembly.

The DCE also cautioned assembly members to work towards addressing the challenges facing their communities to bring development to their respective electoral areas.

The program is aimed at educating and imparting the Assembly Members and the Government Appointees on the Local Governance Act 963 and the Standing Orders.

The program was graced by the presence of the District Chief Executive, Nii Ollenu Larteh and the District Coordinating Director, Mr. Philip Yaw Oppong.