Isaac Kwame Asiamah donates to support Asanka Fun Club clean-up exercise

Scores of people from Nyinahin, associations, indigenes, chiefs, security personnel and other stakeholders joined Asanka Fun Club to desilt gutters and clean the district capital on Founders’ Day 4th August 2023.

Date Created : 8/25/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

Donned in working-gear and ‘armed’ with shovel and other accoutrements, Mr. Kofi Marfo led the charge to show example by stepping into gutters to rid it of dirt and sand which is choking them.

With assistance from hundreds of Youth, Assembly members, Ghana Ambulance Service, Ghana Fire Service, the Police Service, Chiefs and others, the group worked at Nyinahin Highways, Kyeraaso Nkwanta, Salem, Zongo, Krofofrom and other areas.

The Chairman of the Asanka Fun Club, Mr. Aaron Kusi and his executives were overwhelmed with the teeming support received from well-wishers and other Associations.

He admonished all to bring back the spirit of communal labour to rid our cities and communities off dirts to prevent diseases.

Isaac Kofi Marfo, the District Chief Executive (DCE) thanked everyone who availed themselves for the exercise.

He called on all to make it their responsibility to tidy their environment. “Cleanliness is next to godliness; so people will address you by how you tidy your environment”, he stated.
He thanked all who honored the founders of Ghana by participating in this novelty.

Isaac Kwame Asiamah, the Member of Parliament, in his absence acted through the DCE to present water, drinks and other refreshment to the leading group to refresh the hundreds that availed themselves for the program.

Mr. Kusi and Mr. Oduro Dennis received the donation.

They thanked the MP and asked for his blessings in their next activity. “We hope to see our MP at our next activity; we acknowledge his good deed for the youth of Mponua and we wish his presence at our next activity shall be a perpetual novelty”, He added.