NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

KWABRE E: Peace and security our concern – DCE

The District Chief Executive for Kwabre East, Adams Iddisah has reiterated the Assembly’s resolve to make the security of the lives and properties of the people of the district their uppermost priority.

Date Created : 5/13/2014 10:03:15 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The District Chief Executive for Kwabre East, Adams Iddisah has reiterated the Assembly’s resolve to make the security of the lives and properties of the people of the district their uppermost priority.

He said the Assembly is liaising with the Ashanti Regional and District Police commands to flush out armed robbery from the district which has been identified as a red-zone area for armed robbers.

Mr. Adams made this known at the first ordinary meeting of the fourth session of the Assembly at Mamponteng recently.  He said the police service is being assisted logistically to take control of the situation which is a great matter of concern to him and the entire Assembly.

As a result, efforts are in place to establish a modern police station at Ahwiaa and Kenyasi to help deal with the security situation in those areas.  Two other police stations, Mamponteng and Asonomanso police stations are currently under renovation while  and a third one, Antoa Police Station is due to commence soon to boost the morale of personnel.

The DCE also advised the Assembly members to help in the formation of neighborhood watch committees in their various communities since the Assembly and the police are prepared to support such communities with logistics and skills to make their work successful.

Mr.  Iddisah also reiterated the assembly’s resolve to working to bring improvement in the various sectors of the district’s economy including sanitation, electricity, provision of health facilities, ICT, roads among others that will impact positively on the lives of the people. He said while some development projects are ongoing, a lot more will be rolled out in due course as funds are available.

For his part, the Member of Parliament for the constituency, Mr. Kofi Frimpong also advised members to be circumspect in their dealings.  He also took the opportunity to explain to members his efforts in bringing development to the district.

Assembly members discussed and accepted the various sub-committee reports presented by the executive committee.

Francis Andoh/Dominic Shirimori/