Local Government Service Head visits GCMA

The head of the Local Government Service, Dr. Nana Ato Arthur has paid a working visit to Ga Central Municipal Assembly (GCMA) in Sowutuom.

Date Created : 10/13/2017 4:18:10 AM : Story Author : Mary Kodji/

The visit was to acquaint himself with all stakeholders through interaction and communicate his vision to them. It was also fraternize with staffs of the Assembly to find out their challenges and assist in solving them.

His vision, includes building the capacity of local government staff, ensure that information Technology (IT) departments become functional in all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA’s) in Ghana.

In his address, Dr. Arthur said there is high expectation of the performance of local government service as such, his outfit committed to building the capacity of staff in the service. This he said would sharpen the skills of staffs and ensure that they discharge their duties with professionalism.

He advised the Assembly to engage in twinning departments and Assemblies for learning and sharing of best practices for the purpose of improving the skills of staff.

He cautioned staff who report late and leave before closing time to desist from that habit, and entreated the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) to install biometric clocking system at the Assembly to help curtail the situation.

When the information Technology (IT) departments become functional, it will help improve on internally generated revenue. The introduction of digital mapping system he said would make it easier for works, planning and Engineering departments to know ratable properties and acquire the right values for properties which will help in revenue generation for the Assembly.

He reminded staff of their loyalty to the MCE and asked them to desist from leaking official documents to friends in the various political parties as it against the ethics of the service.

 “Everyone has the right to belong to any political party of their choice but leaking official documents is unethical and anyone caught in that act would be exited from the service”. It is time to write all wrongs and as such, all staff who entered the service with fake certificates will be exited he added.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Dr. Emmanuel Lamptey expressed appreciation to Dr. Ato Arthur for his visit and added that his visit will serve as a catalyst in improving the performance of Ga Central Municipal Assembly having in mind that someone somewhere is watching from afar the activities of the assembly.

The Head of Local Government Service on his visit was accompanied by Director from the Local Government Service