GA Central: Property owners get opportunity to regularize documents with the Assembly

The Ga Central Municipal Chief Executive, Bashiru Mohammed Kamara has called on property owners in the Municipality to take advantage of the opportunity created for them to regularize their property documents with the Assembly.

Date Created : 8/2/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

Speaking with in an interview, the MCE disclosed that the Assembly is embarking on a regularization process in which “those who have built their homes, houses, mansions among other structures without permit should come and rectify that with the Assembly”.

He emphasized that they will start with moral persuasion by appealing to them to voluntarily avail themselves for this exercise; before going hard to enforce the law.

He indicated that during this grace period, the Assembly will waive all penalties; but when the time comes to enforce the law, then all penalties would have to be paid.

The MCE also advised developers to desist from sitting their projects in unauthorized locations and water ways in the municipality.

According to him, it is not a delight to them to pull down structures that are wrongly sited in the municipality, but if the need be they would do so. “At times we feel it when we’re demolishing unauthorized buildings, but be that as it may, we have no option; you have to correct the wrongs; the wrongs that have been commissioned or perpetrated by people”, he asserted.

According to him, by abiding by the laws one would have to obtain a permit before even they begin any form of construction which many have failed to do. But the Assembly owes it a duty to ensure the right things are done hence the new exercise.