MCE inspects deplorable roads in Municipality

The Municipal Chief Executive for Lawra in the Upper West Region, Mr. Martin Bomba-ire has paid a working visit in municipality to inspect some bad roads in the area.

Date Created : 9/8/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Rosemary O. Yeboah/

The visit was to also ascertain the extent of damage to the roads and to see what immediate measures could alleviate the situation.

At the Lawra – Kalsagri community, the MCE met briefly with the contractor assigned by the HighWays Authority to work on the 400m deplorable portion of the road that has been badly rendered unmotorable.

The Assembly member for Kalsagr Electoral Area, Mr Peletege Frederick and his community members were very excited to see level of work done by the contractor.

The municipality within the past three days has had most of the major and feeder roads linking into the municipality badly damaged by long vehicles due to the damage caused to the main Lawra - Wa road as a result of the recent torrential rains in the region.

The affected roads include: Lawra - Kalsagri road, Lawra - Eremon road, Yagtuuri throught Karbo Primary to Lawra SHS road, Kalsagri - Nanyaari road among others.