PWDs receive incentives packages in Akuapem North

The Social Welfare Department at the auspices of Akuapem North Municipal Assembly on Wednesday, 20 th December 2023 organized a mini-durbar at the forecourt of the old Assembly premises on behalf of People living with disabilities.

Date Created : 12/22/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Samuel Y. Kumah/

This programme is specially meant for the marginalized in society especially PWDs in the last quarter of every year.

In her welcoming address the officer in-charge of Social Welfare Madam Angelina Nagatey welcomed the PWDs to Akropong and wished them strength and goodwill this yuletide season.

She said it is the government's wish that every Tom, Dick and Harry should be given incentives every now and then from the Common Fund but due to its limited nature, it has to be given in tranches to beneficiaries until everyone gets a share.

She explains that members should exercise patience and that once they have their names in the register, it will get to everybody’s turn.

She said members should bear with them that the Assembly has gone past the time where monies are shared among individuals. She opined that the Social Welfare is just facilitating on behalf of the government through the Assembly.

Again, she encourages members who receive incentives, especially working tools and cash to put them into good use and that the department will embark on vigorous monitoring to ensure that the incentive packages are used for their intended purposes.

She also commended the previous last two batches who received various packages and that they have done extremely well in their individual businesses. She said very soon they will be recommending such individuals for special awards to encourage members to put monies received into good use.

The MCE of Akuapem North, Barima Awuah Sarpong Asiedu Larbi in a brief talk said disability is not inability that is why the government has allotted a portion of the Common Fund for the upkeep of PWDs.

He said plans are far advanced for proper training modules of PWDs and the youth in general. He emphasizes that gone were the days where PWDs are located by the roadside begging for alms but now, society has transcended that situation.

He cited Western worlds and the North African countries where PWDs are gainfully employed either doing their own businesses or in factories.

He advises members not to pity themselves as physically challenged but used their intellects to fend for themselves, families and the society at large. He encourages individuals to put the incentive packages to gainful use.

The occasion came to life with a rousing applause from members when the Social Welfare officer disclosed that a company located at Upper Manya in Asesewa by name Premier Pottery has agreed to partner the Social Welfare to start training interested PWD members in manufacturing of liquid soap and parasol.

This according to the Social Welfare team will go a long way to put food on the table and cash in the pockets of members.

At the end of the programme the mode of distribution of incentives indicates that 3 beneficiaries received Containers, while 3 others took home Deep Freezers and 27 others received Cash packages to revamped businesses, pay school fees, and medical bills.

Present to grace the occasion include the Hon. MCE Barima Awuah Sarpong Asiedu Larbi, Social Welfare Staff and some senior Assembly staff members.