Savelugu Municipal Assembly supports PWDs to better their lives.

Management of the Savelugu Municipal Assembly has presented a total of eleven (11) deep freezers valued at GHc 20,000.00 to eleven persons with disability in the municipality.

Date Created : 1/27/2020 3:17:16 AM : Story Author : Mustapha Amadu/

Twenty other recipients took home cash support of GHc 1,000.00 each.

This, indeed put smiles on the faces of the jubilant recipients who could not hide their excitements.

The support formed part of activities rolled out by the Assembly to end the 2019 fiscal year.

Unlike previous support, this package was tailor-made and demand-driven, designed exclusively to engender the economic viability and prosperity of this vulnerable group.

Presenting the items, the MCE, Hon. Hajia Ayisheitu Seidu indicated that for 2018 alone, the assembly invested a total of GHc 93, 062 from its share of the common fund as support for persons with a disability, which amount went into income-generating activities including crop farming and rearing of small ruminants.

She added that in the course of 2019, a colossal sum of about GHc 86,484.00 has been earmarked and disbursed as a single largest investment so far on PWDs which amount went into the payment of school fees and related expenditures for those of them at the tertiary level and those engaged in farming among other income-generating activities

The MCE hinted assembly’s plans to construct many more state of the art disability-friendly household latrines for the vulnerable group.

The mother of these 2 brothers on your shots was a proud recipient of the intervention. Pedestrians and motorists around the central business district of Tamale are almost on daily basis greeted by these 2 brothers. Sources have it that they commute on daily basis to Tamale on alms expedition. This has been a huge source of worry to the assembly, particularly, the MCE, Hon. Hajia Ayisheitu. The intervention hopes to help them quit the alms business which is arguably dehumanizing and thread to their education.

Generally, the beneficiaries were full of gratitude for the support so far and therefore promised nothing but judicious utilization of the otherwise rare life-changing opportunity offered them to improve their current seemingly distressed circumstances.

Earlier in a brief speech, the Municipal Social welfare and community development officer, Mr. Salifu Alhassan acknowledged the sound working relations his department has with the Assembly over the last few years. He was optimistic about even greater harmonious relationships and collaboration in the ensuing years.