NiPDA organizes sensitization on child protection

The Social Welfare Department of the Ningo-Prampram District Assembly has organized a day Community Sensitization for Child Protection Committee members on how to provide care and protect children against social, psychological and emotional insecurity.

Date Created : 7/7/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The workshop, which was held at the District Assembly Hall, saw participants from various Non-Governmental Organizations, stakeholders from various Child Protection Agencies and community leaders within the District.

Officials from the Social Welfare Department took turns and elaborated on the role of the Social Development Officers and guiding principles in case management as far as child protection is concerned.

The District Social Welfare and Community Development Officer, Madam Augustina Nartey urged all participants to adopt interventions that are in the best interest of the child at any point in time as child abuse is relevant in all settings.

She called on traditional authorities and other local leaders to mediate in cases of child abuse and neglect since the welfare of a child is a collective responsibility of all individuals and organizations in the society.