Odi Ahenkan supports Aboabo Community with ultra-modern ICT Centre

Odi Ahenkan Kwame Yeboah, a news anchor at “Peace FM”, a member of the Despite Media Group has benevolently commissioned and handed over an ultra-modern Information and communications technology (ICT) center to Akim Aboabo, a suburb of Akim Oda in the Birim Central Municipality in the Eastern Region.

Date Created : 11/4/2019 6:56:02 AM : Story Author : Jesse Amankwah/

The radio news anchor together with his partners from Maxim Nyansa IT solution used the opportunity to commission and hand over the centre at a grand durbar to mark the 75th Anniversary of Akim Aboabo Presbyterian Primary and Junior High School.

The centre equipped with a modern projector, twenty (20) computers and other relevant equipment is aimed to aid effective studies of ICT in the Akyem Aboabo area.

The Akyem Aboabo Krontihene, Nana Adomako Ankoma who was the chairman for the occasion expressed much gratitude to Odi Ahenkan Kwame Yeboah for having the progress of his community at heart which has motivated him to bring the ICT center into Akim Aboabo.

He pledged to ensure that the facility is put to good use in other to attract more developmental projects into the community.

Meanwhile, the headmistress of the Aboabo Presbyterian Basic School, Madam Mary Opare Ansah appreciated the news anchor and also lauded government for bettering the standard of education and care for children’s needs in terms of hunger because they are enjoying under the school feeding program.

Nevertheless, some of the students also show much gratitude to Odi Ahenkan and his team for the support.