Report on on-radio revenue mobilisation announcement by MFO

To accumulate resources and its efficient utilization to enhance the good standard of living for the citizenry in the New Juaben South Municipality, Management of the Assembly devised a system to sensitize the public on the need to pay the rates, bills, permits etc. to the Assembly in order to increase the revenue basket.

Date Created : 3/22/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Collins Aikins Akuffo/

The team led by the Municipal Finance Officer (MFO), Mr. Felix Kwakye Quainoo, Friday,March 1, 2024 embarked on radio education to the public on tax paying.

The purpose of the radio engagement is to sensitize the citizenry on government plans of reverting its payment of property rates to the Assemblies instead of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

Mr. Felix K. Quainoo (Municipal Finance Officer) addressing the public on the need to pay tax.

In a face-to-face interview with Koforidua based radio station (Eastern FM), the MFO keenly expounded to the public on the internal and external source of funding to the Assembly and its utilization.

Mr. Quainoo categorically stated that the Assembly internally accrues its revenue through Business Operating Permit (BOP), Temporal Structure permit, Property rates, Market and Lorry tolls among others, “Moreover, District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF-RFG), secondary cities etc. are the external sources of fund receive from the central government to finance activities in the Municipality” MFO said.

Furthermore, Mr. Quainoo mentioned that the Assembly has strategised a mechanism to reduce the cumbersome system of tax paying in the Municipality, saying in this year 2024, tax payers bills (Business Operating Permit (BOP), and Temporal Structure permit) has been put together for payment as compared to the former segregated bills.

He also noted that, the property rates which were temporarily collected by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have been reverted to the Assembly for collection. MFO continued by urging the public to pay their various taxes for the Assembly to provide the social amenities, security and other infrastructural development in the Municipality.

He reiterated that good roads, removal of nuisance, building of schools, markets and health facilities can only be provided if individuals respond positively to tax paying for such developments. He therefore informed that the Assembly will engage more in publicity on revenue mobilization through the Information Services Department and the Media.


The public (listeners) were given the opportunity to call and share their opinions on issues discussed.

Former Assembly Member, Mr. Fiifi Amakye called to clarify the public mischiefs on fee-fixing, he declared that the fee-fixing is being done by the key stakeholders of the Assembly.

He mentioned the fifty (50) fifty honorable Assembly Members, the market traders and others as decision-makers of the Assembly but not the technocrats as unproven by the public. One of the callers raised an issue concerning the new bill systems (BOP and Temporal structure bill) on one sheet.

He asked whether some of the collectors will lose their job out of the new system. MFO answered by saying, the Assembly has no plan to lay-off some collectors as there is more revenue to be collected in the Municipality.

A caller also criticized the Assembly on poor utilization of revenue raised for development in the Municipality. A lady also called and did support the tax paying system as she said it is one major tool a country uses for development.

A caller said, the Assembly has to embark on a continuous publicity on revenue so as to remind tax defaulters to pay on time.