MCE inspect BECE Centres within the Municipality
The Municipal Chief Executive for Prestea Huni Valley Municipal Assembly Hon. Isaac Dasmani inspected the ongoing BECE centers within the Municipality. On the 7th to 11th August 2023.

Date Created : 8/2/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Ghanadistricts.com / Samuel Owusu
The total number of students writing this year’s BECE is 5,130 comprises of 2,580 males and 2550 females across fourteen centers in the Municipality. Among these, total of 137 schools sat for the exams, 84 publics and 53 private schools and it was being supervised by 1892 invigilators.
Speaking to the media, Dr Dasmani retreated that the examination atmosphere has been calm and conducive during his visitation to the all the centers within the municipality.
He added that, during his tour he noticed that the invigilation was being performed in a professional way, so he ceased the opportunity to applaud them for the fact that no examination malpractice has been recorded since they commenced the examination.
Again, He encouraged the student to remain confident and calm to be able to give constructive response to questions required of them to answer in the examination hall. He knows that the good Lord will flourish their result with flying colors so that they can also benefit from the free SHS policy initiated by the central government.
Through that he believes they will be able to accomplish their dreams and aspiration as they prepare to begin their second cycle Education across the country. He also urged them to be supportive to their parent and desist themselves from any bad company and continue to live noble lives as they are going to stay with their parents whiles waiting for their results after the examination.
Mr. Sabastian Atrama Diaw the Municipal Director of Education, touted that the students should stay focus and persevere as they are preparing to enter a new level in life which is to continue their education through the free senior high school education. He also expressed his excitement over the invigilation done so far and insisted that they continue to allow the student to do independent work throughout the examination.
The MCE Isaac Dasmani was accompanied by the Education Director Mr. Sabastian Atrama Diaw, the Municipal Assistance Information Officer Mr. Collins Ransford Abam and the media